Saturday, July 2, 2011

Ditched: A Love Story by Robin Mellom

Prom is supposed to be every girl’s dream, right? Except Justina’s. Prom really isn’t her thing, but she agrees to go with her best friend, Ian Clark. Justina is hoping that tonight will be the night, the night a girl will remember forever, the night that maybe things with Ian will change.  But instead, she ends up ditched, literally and figuratively, and explaining what happened to her, and her dress, to two ladies in a 7-Eleven.  If she can piece it all together, she might be able to figure out how she ended up without a date. And maybe she can figure out if love can still happen, despite what happened on Prom night.

What a refreshing story! I really enjoyed this fun, quirky story about Justina and the prom night where everything went wrong.  The characters in Ditched: A Love Story were original and interesting, as was the story. What teenage girl hasn’t succumbed to pressure from their mom, or made assumptions that were completely wrong?  The transitions between chapters using the prom dress were great and I loved the chapter titles. I really liked Mike and the Other Mike; they made for great comic relief. I could totally picture two lovable, innocent, stoned-out dudes in my head. I also appreciated the way Mellom approached her storytelling, using the dress stains and Justina’s injuries to lead the story.  Very original. I will definitely be recommending this book to my students, as well as the teachers and librarians I know, and most importantly, my own teenage daughters.

The release date on this book is January 10, 2012.

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